Reversible male contraceptive gel is expected to replace ligation
From oral contraceptives to injections of non-hormonal contraceptives, researchers have recently begun to study a variety of male contraceptive methods. The latest study tested contraceptive gels as a contraceptive method for vasectomy in monkeys.
According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of all pregnancies are accidental.
Traditionally, women have provided a wide variety of contraceptives, and the medical research community has only recently begun to be interested in developing male contraceptives.
In 2016, male Vasalgel, a non-hormonal contraceptive gel, was successfully tested on rabbits and is expected to become a long-acting contraceptive for men.
Vasalgel is a large molecular weight polymer that can be used as a potential reversible alternative to phlebectomy.
In the new trial, Dr. Catherine VandeVoort of the National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) of California led a team of researchers to test the drug in primates. The findings were published in the journal Basic and Clinical Male Science.
How does Vasalgel have a contraceptive effect on monkeys?
Inject Vasalgel into the so-called vas deferens, a thick-walled tube that transports sperm from the testes to the urethra.
In the vas deferens, the gel forms a barrier to prevent sperm movement.
In this study, Dr. VandeVoort selected 16 adult male rhesus monkeys who settled in the National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) in California as a trial group, and another 16 age-matched monkeys were ligated as a control group.
Animals participating in the trial were sedated with ketamine during surgery, and approximately 100 microliters of Vasalgel was injected through a small incision using a syringe during surgery.
These Vasalgel form an obstacle of about 2 cm in length in the vas deferens. Analgesics were given postoperatively to help relieve pain and were monitored throughout the day 7 days after surgery.
The researchers then returned the monkeys to their normal group housing, where they lived with at least the mother monkey for a breeding season of about six months. Seven male monkeys lived together with their mother monkey for almost two years.
Parental identification of all offspring was tested by blood samples and genetic testing. The researchers reported that the male monkeys in the Vasalgel injection treatment group did not make the mother pregnant.
Under similar living conditions, sexually mature mothers are expected to have a pregnancy rate of 80% during each breeding season.
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