Research says that Alzheimer's disease may be related to common drugs
Research says that Alzheimer's disease may be related to common drugs
January 29, 2015 Source: Sina Technology
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These commonly used drugs are anticholinergic, but experts stress that people should not panic or stop taking drugs.
The study, conducted in the United States, found that long-term use of these drugs in large doses may increase the risk of dementia in the elderly.
This study only covers the elderly population. It found that older people who took medications for insomnia, allergies, depression, and other medications for three years or longer had an increased risk of dementia.
The University of Washington conducted a 10-year follow-up survey of the health status of 3,434 elderly people over the age of 65.
At the beginning of the survey, all participants did not show signs of dementia. During the 10-year follow-up study, 797 participants developed dementia.
Instructions for use of anticholinergic drugs usually warn patients that medication may cause decreased attention, memory impairment, or dry mouth.
Now researchers say that patients should also be warned that such drugs may also be associated with an increased risk of dementia.
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