The weather is getting hotter and I recommend several early summer health recipes

The hot weather is now part of the spring and summer transition. What food should be eaten during this season? Here are several recipes for early summer health.

Coix seed bean soup

Ingredients: Coix Seed, Chixiaodou, Red Date, 1 Teaspoon of Sugar.


Coix seed, red beans, wok, add water, 2 bowls, low heat, simmer 1 hour, add red dates, sugar, cook for 30 minutes until the beans rotten away from the fire, eat snacks, heat, spleen, dampness, and nourish the liver.

South Milk Peanut Pig Pedal

Ingredients: Peanut, Pork Leg, Garlic, South Milk, Ginger, Star Anise, Rice Wine.


1, Peanut soak 2 hours ahead of schedule

2, clean the pig's feet and cut small pieces. Put the water in the pot, boil it, put it in the pig's foot, remove the bloody water,

3, garlic, garlic, placed in a bowl, add 2 pieces of South milk and 3 spoons of South milk, and add a small bowl of water, crushed and evenly mixed. Ginger slice ready.

4, put the oil in the pot, add ginger and star anise, add the mixture of southern milk garlic and rock sugar, stir fry, add the pork foot fragrant.

5. Transfer all materials to the corrugated medium, add peanuts, pour 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon rice wine, 2 bowls of water and mix well. After the fire is cooked, cover a small fire until the pig's feet become soft. (About 1.5 hours).

6, flipped from time to time to prevent sticky bottom. If the water is dry and the pig's feet are not soft yet, add a little hot water to continue.


Loofah porridge

Ingredients: 1 fresh loofah, 100 grams of japonica rice, a little sugar.


1, will be fresh peeled and gourd

2, glutinous rice panning clean standby put glutinous rice into the pot fresh loofah cut and grow 2 cm, thick 1 cm block into the pot, add appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the fire on top of the fire and then simmer cooked porridge add sugar, fresh loofah tender Those who do not have to go directly to cut porridge to do porridge with Qingrejiedu Liangxue Tongluo Run skin effect.

Asparagus soaked in vinegar

Ingredients: Asparagus 100 grams, soaked overnight in light vinegar.


Place the vinegar-immersed asparagus in a bowl and steam over it. Once a day, 2-3 times a week. Because it is soaked with vinegar, hyperacidity is not appropriate, you can switch to other cooking methods.

Function: Asparagus lily family plants, sweet and cold, it has high medicinal value, anti-cancer effect, as well as spleen Qi, nourishing yin, dryness, thirst, kidney diuretic effect, suitable for loss of appetite, atherosclerosis , acute and chronic hepatitis, cancer patients, etc., have a certain effect on improving the hardening tendency of coronary arteries.

Steamed golden mushroom red dates

Ingredients: 100 grams of mushroom, red dates 100 grams.


Flammulina edodes and red dates were washed separately, and the golden mushroom was cut into a bowl together with red dates. Add vegetable oil, seasonings, and water in appropriate amounts. Use a two-layer gauze to wrap the bowl and steam for 1 hour.

Role: Flammulina is sweet, flat, and rich in B vitamins, of which vitamin B6 can lower blood lipids.

Double dry silk

Ingredients: 150 grams of mung bean sprouts, 100 grams of early celery, 50 grams of pork, 150 grams dried tofu.


1, bean sprouts and dried celery stalk washed with boiling water off, and then spread with cool water showers spread out, so that bean sprouts and celery stems keep silver and emerald green.

2. Tofu is dry-cleaned and then boiled in cold water and cut into thin silk.

3, the lean oil sizing to cooked or boiling water cooked.

4. Place the above food in a container, add appropriate amount of sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, and mix well.

Function: Celery is divided into two types of watercress and dry celery, and the aroma of morning berry is good. Medicinal use is better, especially in summer, it can improve appetite and increase appetite. Celery is rich in vitamins, protects the integrity of blood vessel walls, and prevents bleeding from atherosclerotic coronary arteries.

The baby is intoxicated, and four essential summer soups are on the way!

Fungus lean broth

Good Dongdong puts its head forward: This party is a real-effect party introduced by Professor Hong Zhaoguang, a famous cardio-cerebral vascular expert in China. According to its introduction, eating once a day and eating for 45 days will help the coronary recanalization and brain Thrombosis has improved.

Ingredients: 10 grams of black fungus, 50 grams of lean meat, 3 ginger, 5 red dates.


Add the above food to the soup pot, add 6 bowls of water, dip into 2 bowls of soup, then add a small amount of salt and monosodium glutamate.

Role: fungus with Spleen Yiwei, lungs and brain, and blood Yangrong, moistening and intestines and other effects. Modern research has also shown that the fungus has anti-platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity, prevention of arteriosclerosis, anti-tumor, cosmetic and other effects.

Ginseng Ganoderma lucidum stone soup

Ingredients: Half of black-bone chicken, American ginseng (American ginseng) 10g, Dendrobium 6 tablets, Ganoderma lucidum 3 tablets, ginger, salt amount.


1, black chicken washed clean, cold water pot, to be boiled to Xuemo, picked up for use.

2, using another soup pot, then connect with water to boil, pour into black chicken, add ginseng slices, sarcophagus, Ganoderma lucidum tablets, as well as shoot after the flat ginger.

3, After the fire is boiled, turn the medium and small fire slowly for about 60 minutes (if the pot is recommended for 90 minutes - 120 minutes), add salt before seasoning.

Lotus seeds Zao Ren Longan Soup

Ingredients: 20 core lotus seeds, 10 longan meat, 9 grams of Suanzaoren (available at the pharmacy store), amount of crystal sugar.


All materials are washed separately, soaked slightly, put together into the sand pot, add the appropriate amount of water, the fire boil and turn to low heat until the lotus softened, add a little crystal sugar to boil and turn off the fire.

Red and white radish pig heart

Ingredients: 250 grams of white radish, 200 grams of red radish, 1 pig heart, 250 grams of pork show meat, 3 slices of ginger.


1. The radish was peeled and cut, the heart of the pig was cut open, and the pig was cut into pieces.

2, the materials together with ginger into the corrugated, the amount of 10 bowls of water added, after the fire simmer, change the simmer for 2 hours, transferred to the appropriate amount of salt can be.

Hospital Bed

Hospital Bed, also known as hospital bed, Hospital Equipment, Nursing Bed, etc., is a hospital bed used by patients when they are hospitalized in the hospital.

There are many classifications of medical beds, and the specific classification methods are as follows: According to the material, it can be divided into ABS medical beds, all stainless steel medical beds, semi-stainless steel medical beds, all steel sprayed medical beds, etc.

According to the function, it can be divided into electric medical beds and manual medical beds. Among them, electric medical beds can be divided into five-function electric medical beds and three-function electric medical beds. Manual medical beds can be divided into double-shake medical beds and single-shake medical beds. Medical beds, flat medical beds.

According to whether it can be moved, it can be divided into a wheeled medical bed and a right-angle medical bed. Among them, electric medical beds are generally movable with wheels.

In addition, there are other special function beds, such as: ultra-low three-function electric bed, Hospital Bed For Home, hospital bed with bedpan, scald rollover bed, rescue bed, mother-child bed, crib, child bed, ICU monitoring bed, examination bed, etc.

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