Subversion of textbooks, adult cardiomyocytes can be "regenerated"
Subversion of textbooks, adult cardiomyocytes can be "regenerated"
June 28, 2017 Source: Technology Daily
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Loss of cardiomyocytes is the main pathological process during the development of myocardial infarction and heart failure. Current clinical treatments such as drugs, interventional stents, and coronary artery bypass surgery have delayed the disease to a certain extent, but they cannot reverse the development of the disease. However, cardiomyocytes and nerve cells and skeletal muscle cells are regarded as cells that have no regenerative ability or weak regeneration ability, and are defined as permanent cells by medical textbooks. Once damaged, they are permanently lost. "Myocardial regeneration" is considered to be impossible. Realizing the dream.
After solving the key techniques of in vitro adult cardiomyocyte culture, the research team used the living cell workstation to visually display the whole process of myocardial cell division and to study the mechanism of its proliferation and division. Induction by appropriate conditions allows cardiomyocytes to have a strong proliferative capacity, with a proliferation rate of 7.0%, which is 14 times higher than 0.5% of foreign studies. The experiment also found that the terminally differentiated double/multicore muscle cells and the single-core muscle cells have similar proliferative abilities, rewriting the view that in the past academic circles, "only a small number of naive single-core muscle cells have the potential to proliferate." The research team further found in cell experiments and animal experiments that these terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes regenerate new cardiomyocytes in a process of "de-differentiation-proliferation-redifferentiation".
According to Zeng Chunyu, the study reveals the biological characteristics of adult myocardial proliferation and the important pathways of endogenous regeneration of the myocardium, and identifies the specific molecular mechanism of myocardial re-differentiation, which brings dawn to clinical treatment of myocardial infarction and heart failure. (Zhu Guangping, Zou Zhengchun, reporter Chen Lei)
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