Swiss research on standardized flora for the treatment of intractable intestinal diseases

Swiss research on standardized flora for the treatment of intractable intestinal diseases

July 23, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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There are more than 500 kinds of bacteria in the human intestinal system, forming a finely balanced microbial ecosystem, the intestinal flora, which helps the body to complete digestive functions and deliver nutrients and energy substances to the blood. If the intestinal flora is out of balance, the human body will have various diseases, such as C. difficile enteritis, patients with symptoms such as diarrhea and weight loss. In severe cases, intestinal bleeding is life-threatening. The use of antibiotics can only relieve symptoms, but the disease recurs. Hard to cure. Current treatments such as intestinal flora transplantation have a certain effect, but the flora transplanted into the patient is extracted from healthy people, and the harmful bacteria contained therein are at risk of losing control and mass reproduction in the patient.

According to the Swiss University of Technology in Zurich, a multidisciplinary R&D team is working on a standardized, controlled and safe flora that forms the basis of the human gut flora and forms a new treatment for intestinal diseases. The key to this achievement is that researchers use a new type of anaerobic biochemical reaction device to separate and culture bacteria from the human intestinal flora in an anaerobic environment, study their functions and growth conditions, and identify more than ten kinds of bacteria. It can cover the basic functions of the intestinal flora, form a "minimized" healthy human intestinal flora, and find a way to produce at low cost. Experiments conducted in the laboratory with this "minimized" healthy intestinal flora in mice confirmed the effect on the balance of the intestinal flora of mice that restored intestinal system lesions.

The research team believes that this method can be applied to a variety of conditions associated with intestinal flora and endocrine imbalance, such as C. difficile enteritis, Crohn's disease, chronic colitis, obesity, fatty liver and diabetes. The research team has applied for patents for this achievement and established the startup Pharmabiome company to carry out the transformation of the results. Subsequently, it will cooperate with medical institutions to carry out clinical research to determine its safety and actual efficacy for practical application.

The study won the Spark Award 2018, a research achievement transformation award at the Zurich University of Technology in Switzerland this year.

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