Hypoglycemic foods often eat this substance to effectively regulate blood sugar

Blood glucose is a healthy indicator of the human body. It is not good if the blood glucose is too low or too high. The harm to the human body is relatively large, especially high blood sugar can cause many people's diseases. So how do people lower their blood sugar when their blood sugar is too high? Today Xiao Bian gave us a detailed introduction to some foods with better blood sugar lowering effects.

Hypoglycemia to eat what food is better

Hypoglycemic for some high blood sugar in the elderly is very important, and the hypoglycemic food is also very much, the following Xiaobian for everyone to introduce some of the better hypoglycemic food it!


Bitter gourd

Taste of bitter cold, tender meat, rich in a variety of nutrients, especially vitamin C content ranks first in all kinds of melons. Pharmacological studies have found that the bitter gourd saponins contained in bitter gourd have a very pronounced hypoglycemic effect, which not only has similar insulin-like effects (so it is called a plant insulin), but also has the function of stimulating insulin release. Some people experimented with oral treatment of type 2 diabetes with balsam pear saponin preparation, the total effective rate can reach 78.3%. Diabetic patients with a bitter gourd, cut open to rinse, slice boiled 1 serving, 1 or 2 times a day, help control blood sugar.


Cold and thirst-quenching are the best vegetables for the treatment of diabetes and thirst. The common method is to use 60 grams of spinach to wash, chicken 15 grams of gold, white fungus 20 grams, add water, amount, cooked after eating soup Yin Tang, 2 times a day.

Spinach is sweet and cold, thirst-quenching, is the best vegetable for the treatment of diabetes thirst


Slightly cold and sweet, it is a dual-purpose product of tonifying spleen and spleen, diuretic and dehumidifying food and medicine. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Coix seed has a role in lowering blood glucose, especially for obese diabetic patients with hypertension. 15 to 20 grams of barley, 30 grams of rice, porridge together take one day.


Rich in soluble cellulose, it has the effects of reducing blood sugar, reducing triglycerides and harmful cholesterol. Using 30 to 50 grams of lentils for cooking, once a day, is good for diabetes with dyslipidemia.


Gan Wen non-toxic, there is Bu Zhong Yi Qi efficacy. Pumpkin contains fructose that inhibits glucose absorption, binds excess cholesterol in the body, prevents cholesterol from being too high, and prevents arteriosclerosis. Modern medical research shows that pumpkin also contains many substances beneficial to humans such as fenugreekine, adenine, pentosan, mannitol, etc., and it also has the effect of promoting insulin secretion. Diabetic patients cook 100 grams of pumpkin a day, which is good for improving symptoms.


Sweet and cool, sweet and crisp, has the effect of removing heat and quenching thirst. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that only 1.6% of sugars in cucumbers are commonly used in diabetics, and vitamin C, carotene, cellulose and minerals can be obtained from them. Propionic acid contained in cucumber can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat in the body. Obese diabetic patients with high blood pressure, eat 100 grams of cucumber a day, great benefit.


It has a sweet and pungent flavor, and it has the functions of nourishing yin, regulating dryness, and promoting the circulation of stomach and stomach. It is not only nutritious, but also has high medicinal value. It is praised as "the Pearl of Bacteria". Tremella fuciformis is low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. The food intake of diabetic patients can delay the rise of blood sugar. Tremella 15 to 20 grams, served after Dun Dun, once a day.


Sweet, acidic cold. Liver, gallbladder, stomach, lungs. It is especially suitable for regulating qi, stimulating fluid, moistening dryness, relieving heat, removing irritability, and preventing diarrhea.


Xing Wen Xin Wen, with Yuanyang, warm stomach and the role. American scientists have found that cinnamon can increase the level of insulin in the blood and have an adjuvant effect on diabetic patients. It is recommended to add 1 to 3 grams of cinnamon at the time of cooking, but the cinnamon is not hot and it is not suitable for patients with yin deficiency type diabetes.


Taste is sweet, sweet, white and tender. It is a favorite vegetable for people. Onions not only contain substances that stimulate the synthesis and secretion of insulin, but also have an adjuvant therapeutic effect on diabetes, and prostaglandin A and thiamino acid, which are contained in it, have the effect of dilating blood vessels, regulating blood fat, and preventing arteriosclerosis. Therefore, it is most suitable for diabetics with dyslipidemia. The method is to use 100 grams of onion, open blisters and add soy sauce, 1 day.

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