High temperature and rainy weather vegetable management method
After the continuous high temperature, continuous rains continue for several days, and the technical requirements of vegetable fields are high. Special efforts must be made to strengthen the work of vegetable fields such as drought and flood control, top dressing, weeding, flowering and fruit protection, pest control, and various vegetable management arrangements. as follows:
Tomato: The appropriate control of fertilizer and water in the early stage, timely dressing after fruit set, pay attention to prevention and control of early blight, cotton rot, virus disease, aphids and cotton bollworm.
Eggplant: Regenerating eggplant should strengthen fertilizer and water management, keep it moist, and focus on strengthening prevention and control of Verticillium wilt, cotton rot, and brown zebra disease. Autumn eggplant or late autumn eggplant, about 10 days after planting, fertilizer and water management must be strengthened. During the drought, the soil was irrigated with fertilizer and immediately drained after heavy rain.
Zucchini: The key is to prevent the occurrence of viral diseases. During the early growth stage, it is necessary to take care of the control of aphids. After the storm, drain the drains and supplement the fertilizer. After intensive cultivation, especially after watering, topdressing, and raining, cultivating should be conducted in a timely manner.
Melon: Climbing ground gourd and gourd, can be combined with drought resistance in the middle of growth, topdressing 30% of the concentration of manure dung 3 times. Cultivate melons on the ground, apply irrigation with drought irrigation, but not flood irrigation to keep the surface wet. Melon cover grass sunscreen, grass mat grass erosion and insect damage.
Loofah: Watering at high temperatures and droughts. Take a "dark water" approach. After the rain, it is necessary to clear the drains in time, and it is best to use well water or deep river water to prevent the rain from clearing the leaves and affecting fertility. Timely top dressing and watering. After heavy rain, we must cultivate in time to prevent and control pests and diseases.
Kidney bean: Before flowering and scabbing, the cultivator seedlings are mainly used to keep the soil moist after harvesting. Each harvest is harvested for 2 to 3 times and topdressing manure is applied once. The main vines are topped in time and the lower yellow old leaves are promptly removed to prevent and control rust.
Summer cabbage and early autumn Chinese cabbage: Special attention should be paid to the occurrence of pests such as soft rot and Spodoptera litura. Before planting into a live tree, water and drought should be used to protect the seedlings. Before and after the rosette period, water often to keep the soil moist. The beginning of the heart, pay attention to water and drought.
Early autumn radish: Keep the soil moist and water in case of drought. Special attention was paid to the prevention and control of pre-stage pests and diseases. After emergence, it was mainly used for the prevention and control of flea beetle and the timely prevention and control of aphids. In late August, 90% of trichlorfon was sprayed with 800 times 80% ethoxyphosphinate 400 times to control other pests and downy mildew.
Celery: Pay attention to the use of shade nets or straw curtains, etc. in time to cover shade sheds, enhance top dressing and watering, and keep the soil moist. Timely control of aphids, soft rot and leaf spot.
Corn is a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and help fight cancer. Compounds found in corn have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to research, fresh corn contains 4-5 times more body fat than rice and flour, and contains unsaturated fat, of which 50% are fatty acids, which inhibit the digestion and absorption of cholesterol. It is an excellent medicine for long-term use to reduce blood cholesterol and soften blood vessels, making it an ideal vegetable oil for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and the elderly.
Corn is also a cereal and low-fat food. Researchers have found that a low-fat diet has no significant effect on the risk of several diseases. In past follow-ups, a low-fat diet was found to provide significant and sustainable health benefits.
Yellow Waxy Corn Cob,Yellow Waxy Corn,Waxy Corn,Glutinous Corn Cob
Yomifresh , https://www.yomifresh.com