40 new genes related to intelligence
40 new genes related to intelligence
May 23, 2017 Source: Technology Daily
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Genes play an important role in the field of human intelligence, but in 2015, scientists first identified two specific gene clusters related to IQ in the human brain. They are composed of interrelated genes that affect human cognition, memory, and attention. And reasoning and so on. Scientists believe that the discovery of genes related to intelligence can not only deepen human understanding of intelligence, but will also help to develop more effective treatments for nervous system diseases in the future.
In the latest study, Daniel Poser Uma, a researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and colleagues analyzed genetic data related to intelligence indicators—a meta-analysis of intellectual genome-wide association analysis (GWAS). . The so-called meta-analysis is a quantitative analysis method that uses some measurement and statistical analysis techniques to summarize and evaluate existing research. In the process of meta-analysis, it is most important to judge the research results.
In this survey, the team analyzed nearly 80,000 European descendants, including children and adults. The sample size is unprecedented, and researchers can analyze and identify a large number of new genes. In the end, the research team successfully clarified the specific genomic regions associated with intelligence. They used genome-wide association analysis to find 22 intelligence-related genes, 11 of which were first discovered and 29 new genes.
The researchers say that these genes are mainly expressed in the human brain and are involved in cell developmental pathways. The latest information can help scientists focus their research on specific genes and pathways for a period of time to understand the secrets of human intelligence and brain development as early as possible. (Reporter Zhang Mengran)
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