What are the latest research and development pipelines for liver cancer?
What are the latest research and development pipelines for liver cancer?
June 20, 2018 Source: WuXi PharmaTech
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As of June 14, 2018, there were 391 clinical trials of new drugs in the field of liver cancer, and early clinical research was dominant. Among them, there were 166 trials in phase 1, 151 trials in phase 2, and 74 trials in phase 3 (note: some drugs may perform multiple trials at the same time). Since January 2018, the number of clinical trials of new liver cancer drugs has increased by 60. Among them, there are 24 in the first phase, 28 in the second phase, and 8 in the third phase.
The clinical trials of new drugs for liver cancer are mainly concentrated in the United States and Asia. According to the location of the research institutions of clinical trials, the top 5 countries or regions are: 174 in the United States, 120 in mainland China, 40 in France, 38 in South Korea and 37 in Taiwan. (Note: There may be multi-center clinical trials. ).
The companies that are leading the majority of clinical trials of new liver cancer drugs are: Eli Lilly 6 trials, Jiangsu Hengrui 4, Bristol-Myers Squibb 4, Novartis 4, Teclison, Bayer and Merck are 3 trials respectively.
The average recruiting subjects for clinical trials of new liver cancer drugs were: 59 in 1 period, 153 in 2, and 320 in 3,
Compared with the clinical trial of new drugs for liver cancer a year ago, the number of phase 1 increased by 38 (31.2%), the number of phase 2 increased by 47 (46.1%), and the number of phase 3 increased by 20 (37.7%). .
In June 2018, there were five newly released clinical trials. Among them, there are 3 in the first phase, one in the second phase, and one in the third phase.
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