Tomato seeds exposed

Excess of tomato seed

It is due to the fact that the flower and fruit cannot be fully developed. The development of whether the floral and fruit development of tomatoes can develop into normal fruit depends mainly on the quality of flower bud differentiation. Tomato fruits, especially the first and second ear fruits, are mainly caused by high temperature or low temperature when transplanting tomatoes in nursery. Generally, the tomato seedlings grow to 6 true leaf stages, and flower bud differentiation of 1, 2, 3, and 4 floral spots have been completed. When the flower buds of the inflorescences of the inflorescence differentiated into flower plants at the seedling stage, if they encounter low temperature or high temperature, insufficient water, and too much nitrogen fertilizer, This will lead to over-differentiation of flower buds and the formation of multiple carpel malformation flowers. The resulting fruits will be deformed early. Sometimes in the nursery period or during the period of transplant due to low temperature or long duration of drought, the temperature is low and the temperature difference between day and night is small, the supply of nitrogen is insufficient, the seedlings are in restrained conditions, and the flowers are easy to cork. When transferred to suitable conditions, the first formed cork tissue can not adapt to the rapid growth of new internal tissue, then the formation of fruit cracks, pods, seeds exposed fruit and other deformed fruit. This is the main reason why the first spike and the second spike fruit grains are more exposed, which is directly related to the growth temperature of the early stage tomatoes.

Exposed Seed Treatment Methods for Tomato Fruits

1 Select varieties that do not produce teratogenic fruit. Such as Hongyu, Hongbao, Xifen 3, Jiahong, Lichun and so on.

2 Reasonable use of plant growth regulators. When the seedling stage appears to be long, it is not possible to rely solely on water control and cooling to control the growth of the seedlings; on the basis of good temperature, light, and moisture regulation, a “multipurpose” 200-fold solution or 0.01% concentration should be applied. Spray 25% of the booster for proper control.

3 When the tomatoes are watered, the plants shall be irrigated with no deep ploughing, and the ratio of 30 ml plus 15 kg of water shall be used to flush with the water; the organic fertilizer may also be combined with 30 g of organic fertilizer per 50 kg of granules (granules). Improve the permeability of the soil and increase the absorption capacity of the tomatoes.

(4) It is found that the exposed fruit should be promptly removed. To prevent the occurrence of malformed fruit, it is recommended to spray the available boron and Indian calcium mixture at 600 to 800 times, once every 6 days, for 2 to 3 times, to prevent and treat tomato malformation. Grain exposure has a good effect.

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