Platycladus Pruning
One, nursery trimming. Nursery pruning must be carried out on the basis of reasonable planting of seedlings. When cultivating large cup-shaped tree seedlings, cuttings are spaced 60 centimeters and 60 centimeters apart. Select the species of fast-lasting small ball Platanus species, the plant height can reach 2.5 to 3.5 meters in the year, until the autumn or early spring, according to the principle of "interleave to line, septum to plant, stay big to small, protect strong to weak" principle Dingmiao, so that Liumiao The row spacing giant basically reached 1.2 meters 1.2 meters. The second year made it continue to grow. Dry in the winter. Cut off the tip at the height of 3.5 to 4.0 and cut off the lateral branches on the trunk below the branch point. In the third year after the seedlings were sprouted, 3 to 5 of them were selected to stay near the branch point (evenly distributed with the main stem at an angle of 45 degrees), and the stout branches were grown as main branches, and the rest were cut in batches. In the winter, leave 50 to 80 cm short cuts on the main branch, and cut out buds to stay on the side, try to keep them on the same level. After the spring of sprouting, select two grade 3 lateral branches to grow diagonally to form "3 shares 6". The 12-piece "shape", after 3 to 4 years of cultivation of large seedlings, with a DBH of 7 to 8 cm or more, has begun to take the form of a cup-shaped crown, which meets the standards of street trees and can be planted. Second, after planting plastic trim. After the cup-shaped street trees are planted, pruning should continue for 4 to 5 years, in the same way as the seedling stage, until the crown has grade 4 to 5 lateral branches. After the dormancy period each year, short-cuts of 15 to 20 centimeters are reserved for the current year's shoots, which is called a small turnaround to increase the position of the sprouts year by year. When the tops of the shoots will touch the circuit, they should be cut back and cut to reduce the height. Turning back and forth alternately, the crown can be maintained at a certain height. Third, other conditions pruning. If the cup-shaped crown is not formed when the seedlings are planted in the nursery, after planting, the seedlings after the planting may be dried at an ideal height. After germination, 3 uniform-distributing and thick-growth shoots are left as the main branch. The winter season is short, and then the above pruning method is performed. If the main road is not very wide and there is no wire passing above, a happy canopy can be used. After planting and drying, 4 to 6 main branches will be selected. After a short winter season, leave a slight slope and grow upward. Branches as the main branches to extend the branches, so that the crown increased year by year, you can form a hollow elliptical hollow crown. When pruning, strong branches and weak branches should be cut, weak branches and strong branches should be cut, and the crown should be developed in a balanced manner. In addition, the plane tree in addition to roadside tree planting, can also be used as a tree shade tree, solitary tree planting. The effect is also very satisfactory. It is advisable to use a natural crown shape when planting trees and planting trees. Therefore, planting and planting Sycamore wood only pays attention to plastic and pruning on the basis of choosing the diameter of breast diameter and straightening height, so that the characteristics of tree pose can be fully reflected, and the tree shape can be upright and neatly consistent. Not only can the shape be observed in winter, but also in summer. It can also achieve the effect of leafy foliage and wide shade.