Allergic children have a low risk of complicated appendicitis

Allergic children have a low risk of complicated appendicitis

August 23, 2018 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Martin Salo

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Swedish researchers recently published a report in the academic journal "American Medical Association Journal Pediatrics" that they found that allergic children and adolescents have a lower risk of complicated appendicitis. This finding is expected to help clinicians diagnose complex appendicitis in a timely manner.

Appendicitis is an acute disease common in children and adolescents. One-third of sick children and adolescents often need to be hospitalized for a long time due to complicated conditions, and even undergo multiple operations. Previously, the medical community did not understand why some children would suffer from more complicated appendicitis and whether it could be avoided.

Researchers at the University of Lund and the University of Skåne in Sweden surveyed 605 patients under the age of 15 who underwent appendectomy at the University Hospital in Skåne between 2007 and 2017, 102 of whom had allergies and 503 were not allergic. symptom.

It turned out that only about one-fifth of allergic children and adolescents developed complex appendicitis, and nearly half of children and adolescents without allergies developed complex appendicitis.

The researchers say that there is a theory that the complexity of appendicitis is related to the patient's immune response. Allergic children and adolescents are at lower risk of complicated appendicitis, probably because their immune response is different from non-allergic children and adolescents.

One of the authors, Lund University researcher Martin Salou, said the new study supports the theory, which also helps develop diagnostic tools for complex appendicitis.

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