Small RNA molecules regulate tumor angiogenesis
Small RNA molecules regulate tumor angiogenesis
February 08, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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According to researcher Chen Ceshi, solid tumor growth depends on blood to provide adequate nutrition and oxygen. Therefore, as long as the development of the tumor is blocked in the angiogenesis stage, the growth, invasion and metastasis of the solid tumor can be effectively inhibited. The molecule, numbered miR-153, is an ancient and evolutionarily conserved small ribonucleic acid molecule that plays a role as a tumor suppressor in many types of tumors. Previously, researchers have found that mifepristone can induce miR-153, inhibit the expression of transcription factors, thereby inhibiting breast cancer stem cells, but the regulation of miR-153 expression in tumors, and the regulation of tumor cells by this small ribonucleic acid molecule The function and mechanism of activity are not fully understood.
The latest research found that this small ribonucleic acid molecule inhibits the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor signaling pathways in breast cancer cells by targeting hypoxic conditions, thereby blocking tumor angiogenesis and inhibiting xenografts in nude mice. Growing. The researchers further explored the regulation of the expression of small RNA molecules and found that hypoxia triggers the intracellular stress response mechanism in the cell. Based on the demonstration that small RNA molecules inhibit breast cancer stem cells, the results of this study clearly show that miR-153 is indeed a strong tumor suppressor gene that inhibits breast cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis. Chen Ceshi said that this small molecule may be used for gene therapy of breast cancer in the future. (Zhao Hanbin)
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