Constipation Hazard: How Much Constipation Damages Females

If the time between defecation alone is extended, the feces will be discharged smoothly, which is not constipation. If there is a long interval between bowel movements, it is accompanied by dry stools or difficulties in defecation, or a sense of inconvenience or sensation of defecation. It is really a disease that causes constipation.

Influence beauty

Although constipation is not a major illness, its harm cannot be ignored. First, women have constipation and affect beauty. Constipation can increase the body's toxins, cause the body's metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and trace elements are not balanced, resulting in skin pigmentation, pruritus, looking minimalistic, dry hair, and produce melasma, acne and acne.

Cause reproductive system diseases

Constipation can also cause mild toxemia symptoms, such as loss of appetite, apathy, dizziness, fatigue, and long-term causes of anemia and malnutrition. Regular bowel movements will also promote the formation of acne. For women, constipation can cause abnormal development of breast tissue cells, increase the possibility of breast cancer induction, the probability of breast cancer in women who defecate daily is 5%, and the probability of breast cancer in women who defecate less than 2 times per week is 25 %. In addition, a recent foreign research results show that: women of childbearing age are constipated and will lose the opportunity to have children, because there is a special compound in the stool, which will prevent ovulation and cause infertility. Pregnant women with constipation may also cause fetal malformations and even miscarriage. The incidence of women than men. Women are more prone to constipation than men because of their low activity, fine diet, and their own physiological characteristics. According to statistics, about one-fourth of adults experienced constipation within three months, and the incidence of female constipation was twice that of men. Moreover, the incidence of female constipation has increased. According to Zhang Yuhai, a doctor at the Peking University First Hospital, there are three reasons why women suffer from constipation more than men: physical and anatomical differences—the female uterus squeezes the rectum in the pelvic cavity, increases the curvature of the rectum, and slows the passage of stools Therefore, it is prone to constipation.

The influence of the fetus during pregnancy - the fetus in pregnancy due to the increase in the fetus, oppression of the rectum, so that rectal anus venous return obstacles, pelvic floor muscle relaxation during pregnancy, but also easy to cause constipation and hemorrhoids.

The characteristics of female genital organs --- the female anus in front of the vagina, near the weak muscles, combined with the special nature of women's physiological causes are also prone to constipation.

Use correct methods to prevent and cure

Expert advice: After suffering from constipation, do not take drugs that are “detox” and “net intestines”. Although they can serve immediate effects, they also cause dependence. Once you stop taking it, Constipation begins again. Do not take oral laxatives for a long time, because long-term use of these drugs can lead to disorders of gastrointestinal function and a series of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, long-term diarrhea can also cause anal canal stenosis and intractable constipation that depends on laxatives, while intractable constipation inevitably leads to hemorrhoids and fissures.

In order to prevent the occurrence of constipation, women should be regular in life, have time for defecation, ensure appropriate exercise, pay attention to reasonable eating, reduce fat intake, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods containing crude fiber and health care Foods such as King Valley Fiber King. Before going to bed every night, it is best to rub the abdomen for 10 15 minutes to stimulate bowel movements. Drink a cup of warm boiled water or salt water every morning to effectively promote bowel movements and help defecate. Women with recurrent constipation may take appropriate bowel medicines under the guidance of a doctor.

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