Silage quality identification

Raw materials (corn stalks, etc.) can be opened in the silo after 40 days to feed cattle, sheep and other livestock. The quality of silage can be identified from three aspects: color, smell and texture. The method of identification is now described as follows:

The color of the silage varies depending on the raw material and the method of preparation. The color of the silage is as close to the color of the raw material as possible. High-quality silage is green or yellow-green; medium-quality silage is tan or dark green; poor silage is brown. Silage, which is usually produced under high-temperature fermentation conditions, is mostly brown.

Silage with good odor has acid odor, some like distiller's grains, slightly fruity, weak sourness, no musty smell, caught in the hands and smells, its smell is acid and not pungent; medium quality silage is slightly scented with wine, A pungent sour taste is not suitable for feeding pregnant animals; poor-quality silage has a special pungent rancid or musty taste and has lost its use value and cannot be fed to livestock.

The silage with good texture is very firm in the cellar, but it gets loose quickly on the hands, the texture is soft and slightly moist, and the stems and leaves remain thick. On the contrary, if the stems and leaves stick together like a piece of sludge, or if the texture is loose, dry and rough, it means that there is too little water and the quality is poor.


Ungrouped,High Quality Ungrouped,Ungrouped Details, CN

Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,