Green shrimp Chinese imitation ecological polyculture

Chinese sturgeons live in the lower layers of the water body. In the natural waters, they eat foods such as mink, small fish, shrimp, snail meat, plant stems and leaves to maintain their growth. In the artificial breeding environment, they also feed on animal artificial feed. Chinese sturgeon should grow and feed water temperature is 20 °C ~ 33 °C, the best water temperature is 25 °C ~ 31 °C. The main cultivated green shrimp pond has an excellent ecological environment and is suitable for carrying out ecological culture of Chinese imitations and can achieve ideal yields and benefits.

The conditions of pond selection are as follows. The main cultivating green shrimp ponds with a quiet environment, abundant water sources and good water quality are used as ecological waters for Chinese imitation ecoculture. The single pond water surface is preferably 10 to 15 mu, the pond depth is 1.5 to 1.8 meters, and Tanggu slope ratio is 1:2.5. To 1:3, the depth of silt in the bottom of the pool is 0.2-0.3 meters, the injection and drainage system is perfect, and the aeration facility is complete.

Pond preparation

Anti-escape facilities shall be provided with anti-escape facilities around the pond before stocking. The specific setting method and materials shall be: 1 root of 0.1 m 0.08 m 1 m rectangular cement pillars shall be laid every 3 m at the upper end of the pond, and the depth shall be buried. It is 0.5 meters, and then it is buried with a steel galvanized steel wire mesh of No. 10 to No. 12 together with the color steel tile to the inner surface of the cement column (water surface direction). The depth of the steel wire mesh and color steel tile is 0.3 meters, and the cement column and wire mesh are prepared. , color steel tile fixed and connected work.

Feeding table setup Each breeding 80 Chinese sturgeons need to set up a feed table. The method and materials for setting up the feed table are: laying a 1.5m 4m composite geotextile for the project on the slope of Tanggu, and the four corners of the geotextile shall be fixed and hit with thin stakes. Into the soil, try to make the captured geotextile plane and the water surface angle of 20 to 25 degrees, the geotextile in the bottom of the geotextile water depth of 0.5 meters.

Ecological Environment Construction At the end of March or early April, 50 kg of live snails were released per acre of water, and they were planted with plants such as Elodea, Vallisneria, and water peanuts. The area of ​​aquatic plants was controlled at about 30% of the total surface area, and then 150 kg of cattle were planted in Mushi. Dung to cultivate water quality.

Pond disinfection 3 days before stocking, Mushi Lisheng 80 kg of water Quanchiposa.

Seedling stocking

When water temperature is higher than 20°C in mid-May, 20 Chinese sturgeon species weighing 0.25 kg per mu are planted. At the beginning of July, 5 centimeters of 2 cm long green shrimps were planted per acre.

For feeding feedstuffs, Chinese sturgeon feed was selected as self-mixed material with a protein content of 43%. The proportion of each 50 kg mixed ingredient was: fresh fish gizzard 86%, secondary flour 10%, allicin 0.5%, salt 2%, Adhesive 1.5%; Qingpang another feed with protein content of 41% to 42% of shrimp special feed.

The feeding method is based on the principle of timing, quantitative, qualitative, and positioning. When the water temperature is between 20°C and 24°C, it is fed once every day from 13:00 to 14:00. The water temperature is between 25°C and 31°C every morning. 8:00 to 9:00, and 5:00 to 6:00 pm for each feeding, and the feeding amount accounts for 30% and 70% of the daily feed, respectively. The feeding mixture is doughy and is used on the same day of the day of deployment. . The mixture was placed on a 10 cm water table away from the water for Chinese sturgeon to eat freely. Hot weather, thunderstorms and other bad weather, depending on the circumstances, feed or stop feeding.

The daily feeding amount of Chinese sturgeon should be determined according to the weather, water temperature and the weight of the pool. When the water temperature is between 20°C and 24°C, the daily feeding amount should be controlled within 1% to 3% of the total weight of the pond. When the water temperature is between 25°C and 31°C, the daily feed is controlled at 4% to 9% of the total weight of the pool. The amount of feed from June to September accounts for about 90% of the total annual feeding amount.

Water quality management

After 15 days of stocking, Mushi Fermented Manure has been used for 50 kilograms every 15 days to maintain the water quality of “fat, live, tender, and cool”, and the water transparency is 40 cm deep. In the high temperature season, 7 to 10 days of water injection, 0.3 meter depth of water injection, 25 kg of lime water every 25 days, 15 kg of disinfectant water once to maintain the pH of the water in the range of 7.5 to 8.0. Aerators should be opened at high temperatures or in bad weather in order to ensure sufficient oxygen content in the aquaculture waters.

Disease prevention and treatment

As the aquaculture water is regularly disinfected with quicklime, the feed is fed adequately, the ecological environment is excellent, and the Chinese sturgeon stocking density is relatively dilute. The Chinese sturgeon usually has very few anthraquinone diseases during imitation of ecological culture. However, in order to effectively prevent the disease of Chinese sturgeon, the following work needs to be done: First, the feed mix must be fresh, palatable, and not deteriorated; second, the Chinese sturgeon should use strong chlorine to purify water every 2 to 3 days. Disinfection 1; 3 is to feed insecticide bactericidal baits every 15 days; 4 is to collect water surface floating plants in time to avoid water accumulation and rot to spoil water quality.

Fishing methods

Commonly used ground cage fishing and clear pond artificial fishing two ways.


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